Inlägg publicerade under kategorin A Heavenly Hello

Av Mayamama - 20 januari 2010 07:59


My dear Angel Friends,

It's 2010!!!... and we are one week into the new year!  Are you ready to abandon your strict resolutions about diet and exercise already? Relax.  Here is a heavenly exciting resolution of a different kind.  I'd like to inspire you to take flight on your Angel's wings -- high, high up in the skies, where your world looks small.  Imagine a much wider perspective and a sense of detachment and openness for something you have never known.

Make a resolution to stretch your wings and do something completely new in 2010.

Did you every swim with Dolphins?

Have you ever gone up in a hot-air-balloon?

Do you know how to say "I love you" in French, Italian and Spanish?

How about writing a poem about a wish for the future?

Why not learn to cook with a Chinese WOK?

Find someone to teach you how to dance the Tango.

Write a really nice birthday card to a "not-so-nice" person.

Test your limits:  Allow yourself to recognize someone "difficult" in your life as a teacher.

Try a new hair style, plant a tree, read the poetry of Rumi.

Go down on your knees and write a list of 100 things to be grateful      for.

Ask you Angel to give you a sign of his/her presence (You will get it! and you will know when it occurs!)

Trust that your Angel is in favor of all the above (and other) (ad)ventures.  We often put the hard things on top of our to-do-list but our Angels remind us that one of our birthrights is to be playful and to enjoy ourselves.  Our Angels love to help us spread our wings.  Be assured that you are protected and loved if you explore, allow yourself to try something new and have faith.

I wish you all a HAPPY and HEAVENLY New Year! 

Av Mayamama - 7 januari 2010 14:11


As you all know, in the wondrous story of the Nativity the Angels appear as heavenly messengers to the shepherds in their fields, announcing our Saviour's birth.  They say, "We bring you good tidings and great joy!"  To some of us, this well-known story sounds a bit like a mystical fairy tale removed from our lives.  We don't have the impression that "tidings of great joy " are meant for us on a personal level in our present time and  situation.  Here I would like to stop you in your tracks.

Our Angels say we are ALL included, each and every one of us, individually, right now.  Take a deep, cleansing breath, stop a moment -- and try to find a deep place within yourself -- a place beneath the many layers of shopping lists, card writing, gift wrapping, cooking and 'what-should-I-wear?'  A place of silence, stillness and truth.

Ask your Angel, "What are my good tidings?" Trust yourself to receive.  Listen -- and listen again.  Listen into a space that is above and beyond the frequency your ear is accustomed to.

You may hear                       

- All is well

- You are protected

-  Love, don't be afraid

- You are on the right path.                            


Trust that what you receive is real.  And now, maybe you want to share your message with a loved one.  Be the messenger of your own message for someone else.  In this way, one by one -- and one on one -- send out into the world your light of comfort, love and peace, and give your Christmas meaning. 

Av Mayamama - 19 november 2009 14:03


My dear Angel Friends,
A Heavenly Hello to all my new and trusted Angel friends.  Let's take a new look at our Angels.  This might come as a surprise to you, but our Angels have great respect and admiration for us. We are their heroes.  And why?
Angels are purely energetic beings.  They vibrate at a high speed of light, they operate on the spiritual level and they don't have a physical body to maintain.  Angels know how difficult it is for us to keep our body going with food, shelter, sleep and and the details of our human life.  Angels never need a meal, a roof over their head, a car or a mortgage.  Since our Guardian Angels love us unconditionally, they want to make it easier for us on our way through the dense energies of our Earth plane.  But they need our co-operation.
Especially during this busy, (self-inflicted) stressful Holiday season, it helps to pause and take a really, really good deep cleansing breath in.  Stretch your arms to the heavens and say, "Please, my Angel (say name if known), help me during this Holiday season to be lighthearted, loving and joyful."  (Say this three times.)  Now close your eyes and imagine your Angel standing behind you with her hands on your shoulders.  Keep breathing.  You might feel a slight tingling, or a hot or cold sensation.  Enjoy this moment.
However, you might say, "I can't allow myself to be joyful until all the things I need to do are taken care of..." If you feel this way, your Angel wants to assure you that it's o.k if some things on your to-do-list will not be perfectly taken care of.  And you know what?  It's not that important.  So don't put yourself under pressure to serve the perfect turkey, find the perfect gift, tree or outfit.  Instead, ask your Angel to help you find more joy and love within yourself, for yourself.  By raising your vibrational level to joy and trust, many of the things you need to do will miraculously get done in an easy and playful way.  Ask your Angel to help you to be the most loving, perfect "YOU," with your warmest smile, a word of understanding for someone else, and a sincere hug (even over the phone.)  Celebrate yourself by shining your own light.  This is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.  Be assured, your Angel is standing behind you, enfolding you in her magnificent wings with tenderness and love.
Have a heavenly Thanksgiving!
With many blessings,
Av Mayamama - 4 november 2009 12:07


My dear Angel Friends,
Thank you to all of you who attended my recent workshop "How to use Angel cards."  It was wonderful to see you.  For all my friends, whether close by or across the ocean, I'd like to encourage you to get a set of Angel cards and start having some angelic (and meaningful) fun with it.  (Available in bookstores and
Angel cards are a perfect tool to get in touch with your Heavenly Helpers.  The cards are meant to inspire us on our path to inner growth and empowerment.  However, and Angel card reading is not like "fortune telling" with the traditional tarot deck.  The severe and often negative tarot deck was used to predict the future.  It often had a fatalistic quality with all the extremes of good and bad, power, victory and death.  Very often people felt "fated" rather than "freed" after a reading.  An Angel card reading should give you a sense of freedom from the grip of some imagined looming negativity.  Angel messages are a tool for self-discovery and a vehicle for your soul path.  They are an invitation to believe in ourselves as co-creators of our lives.  By understanding and accepting the messages we are encouraged to move from a passive, undecided state of mind into a pro-active participation of life.  And please keep in mind that our Angels LOVE to give us guidance, but the cards themselves are not the solution. YOU are the solution.
If you would like me to guide you through a personal angel card reading over the phone, using your cards or mine, I'll be happy to set up an appointment.  Please call me at (949) 859-1943.  A 30-minute call is $50.00.  Valid thru 12/25/09.
Av Mayamama - 14 september 2009 13:46


My dear Angel Friends, July 2009

Ideally, summer is the season for outdoor fun, playfulness and magic, and our Angels are in complete agreement for us to have lots of it.  Having fun does not mean to neglect our responsibilities, but rather to include playfulness and magic along with our duties in the midst of every-day-life.

If you agree to participate in some angelic summer fun, our Angels LOVE to confirm their presence to us in their playful, lighthearted ways.  Angels love to use a myriad of tools to break through to us.  We WE need to invite them.

Take a deep breath, smile, and say to your Angel (it's great to know his/her name), "Please, my Angel, I'm asking you for a sign."  You may be specific and ask to find a coin, a beautiful feather, see a rainbow, a certain number sequence on a liscense plate, hear a special song or have a meaningful messag pop up on your computer.  My friend Charles in New York asked his Angel for a $20.00 bill and promptly found one the next day on a crowded subway platform.  Another friend of mine found a meaningful message mysteriously scribbled on a paper coaster in a restaurant.  The stories are endless.  As for myself, I recently said to my Angel, "Look, Wilhelm, I haven't heard from you in a long time.  Are you still with me?  I'm open to receive a sign from you, and I'm not going to make this difficult for you.  I'd be happy to find a beautiful white feather, see a rainbow or an angel-shaped cloud formation in the sky, or find a nice shiny coin, well, maybe something a bit more valuable than a quarter."

I trusted Wilhelm and forgot about my request.  Once you ask, it's important to let your request go.  If you obsess about receiving a sign, you are blocking your Angel's creativity and most likely nothing will happen.   This is a great lesson of letting go (for all kinds of requests) and to accept the fact that your expectations might interfere with what the universe truly has in store for you. It might be something better!

Wilhelm was no longer on my mind when a few days later I found a beautiful, shiny ring on the pavement.  It's a silver ring with a semi precious stone and it fits my finger perfectly.  Instantly I "knew" that it was a gift from Wilhelm.  (Later I dutifully called the local lost-and-found office but no one has yet claimed the ring.)

The moment you receive your "sign from above," you just know it and you know that it isn't a coincidence.  You feel a rush of amazement, time stands still for a moment and you feel transported into a different reality, if only for a second or two.  Now say, "Thank you, my Angel, thank you for your sign and your presence in my life."  And then you go on this your day.  Suddenly it's a different kind of day.  You feel the magic of being alive and protected by the angelic realm.  You suddenly have more energy, you smile, you are having fun.  It's all between you and your Angel.... just give it a try.

My dear Angel Friends, September 2009

It's always a bit of a melancholy feeling when summer fades out, like a gradual shift from an extroverted to an introverted mind set.  Maybe it's time to ask your Angels' assistance for new possibilities and openings for the fall.  This means something different for each of us, but our Angels are willing to help, providing we invite them.

Sometimes when I'm asked, "What happens in an Angel reading?" the answer is not easily given between 3 floors in an elevator or even in a small-talk party environment.  But I'd like to invite you to take a moment for my thoughts about our work with the Angels.

Primarily, in an Angel reading you are put in touch with your personal Guardian Angel.  This Angel vibrates in your energy field to guide, protect and comfort you in any given situation.  You learn the specific gifts that your Angel brings to you at this point in your life.  This may be the gift of courage, higher self-esteem, clarity about your life situation or the (not so popular) gifts of endurance and patience.

An Angel reading is not necessarily about the question of how much money is coming your way, or when you will meet your soul-mate, although it could.  An Angel reading is an invitation and a map for inner transformation.  You are being shown a way out of an impasse which is mostly connected to your ego.  This transformation, if recognized and accepted, may at first require a leap of faith of some sort.  But under the disguise of change and chaos your Angel will lead you intelligently to a new awareness and an awakening of who you are at this moment.  You look around and see what no longer serves you, and you shed your old skin, like a snake, into a new inner life.

A shift in awareness is always followed by a shift in your physical reality.  Or expressed another way:  All matter originates from Spirit.  Your Guardian Angel (whose energy is not only protective and loving, but also intelligent and creative) wants to help you to be the best you can be, to help you use your body/mind/spirit connection in a synergy of harmony and well-being.

In the rush of daily life we become unbalanced.  Our Angels understand our physical reality and try to help us separate our problems from our higher purpose.  Would you like to have some help with this?  I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 

Av Mayamama - 12 juni 2009 14:45

At this time I know more than ever, you are all going through vastly different personal experiences.  Some of you are enjoying the "time of your life," and others feel stuck behind the bars of stagnation and fear.  Our Angels are trying to get through to us, Lighten Up!

Whatever the situation, Archangel Uriel, the Archangel of Wisdom (he is holding a thick book) showed me a metaphor of a child seeking the Light.  For all of us, this is a time to seek.

Even if you are in the best possible place, seek how you may help those who aren't.  Seek to share your Light.  For those of you who feel stuck, try to seek the Light between the bars of fear.  Let's all seek the Light in our own personal way.  The Light may come your way as a "spotlight" on your blessings:  The sun and the stars, the song of a bird, a delicious meal, a friend who listens, a beloved pet, a cozy, soft bed, a good book...

More importantly, the Light may also be found within.  Start writing a journal, look through a photo album, go for a long, long walk, attend a church service, seek to sort out some outdated thought patterns.  Think about the meaning of "equanimity."

Ask your Angels for Guidance.  Openness, Trust, Serenity in the eye of the storm is your security.  Know that you are protected, always, in the Light as well as in the Darkness.  Ultimately, Light and Darkness are ONE.  They are both part of ALL THAT IS.  We humans are meant to experience ALL THAT IS.  However, it's much easier to pass through a dark tunnel knowing your Guardian Angel is by your side.  This is why your Angels are assigned to you.  They carry a candle, a guiding light, to show you to the end of the tunnel, into a new opening, a new awareness, a new life.

Talk to your Angels.  Ask them.  Just do it.  They know so much more than you do.

Av Mayamama - 1 maj 2009 13:40

Hello my Angel Friends!

Our Angels are a bridge between us and our Creator.  They try (providing we are open and let them) to communicate a feeling of a "higher vibrational reality" to us.  Everyone who has been touched by an Angel in some way -- be it through a sign or an act of help or rescue -- experiences a feeling of sweetness, wonder and peace.  We feel that something unusual happened, something from a better place, something we would love to experience frequently.

Alas, Angel's can't make our world a better place without our help.  We have to do the work.  That's our collective calling, our collective life purpose for living on this planet.  How can we begin to do this on an individual level?

Maybe we can start, gently, by assuming a new response to some old patterns.  Maybe instead of becoming angry, resentful or bitter in a situation where we have been wronged, we choose to rise above "right and wrong."  Maybe we choose not to enter into the conflict but rise above the conflict.  This is an Act of Free Will.  By choosing to do so we disassociate ourselves with the lower energies that are incompatible with the higher energies of serenity and peace.  This may be difficult at times, and it may not always work, but it is our way to become co-creators of our world.

Be patient with yourself on this amazing journery.  Don't even call it "forgiveness," call it "neutrality." Just tell yourself to try it once.  Take small steps, but know that you are walking a holy path.  By choosing peace you are giving yourself and the world a miraculous gift.  It's an energetic gift that shifts your life energies in a way for miracles to happen.

Do you have a wish that never came true?  By choosing peace over the concept of "right and wrong" you rise to a higher vantage point, closer to a place of "all possibilities," closer to surprises and miracles.  Your Angels will be with you every step of the way on this journey.  It's up to you to take it...  Need any assistance to talk to your Angel?  Give me a call at (949) 859-1943.

Av Mayamama - 23 april 2009 14:28

This is a little (short!) welcome-to-the-spring "Hello" to all my cherished Angel Friends. 

Our Heavenly Helpers would like to remind us that they are assigned to us by our Creator for guidance, protection and unconditional love.  In other words, Angels are God's employees.  But curiously enough, they also work for us.  This makes their job quite difficult at times, because our ego wishes do not always coincide with what our Creator has in mind for us.  We humans are mostly asking for "stuff" to make our life easier.  This is fine and our Angels are always glad to help us with any possible concern.  However in some cases the universe has a different gift or lesson for us.  Our Angels have no free will of their own and they cannot go against God's will.  They work as selfless diplomats trying to "make everything right" between heaven and earth.  Their greatest with is to help us align our "lower self" (ego wishes) with our "higher self" (our soul path).  Interesting situation if you think about it, isn't it?



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